Thursday, May 15, 2014


(work-in-progress: "a black hole in expansion")

Bartlebits is about erased sections in books. Most of these are not just corrections but actual deletions, wanted or unwanted. Throughout the various chapters, you will recognise some famous figures or familiar writings. These words, however, have been for some reason taken out and omitted from the original works. At the end of Bartlebits, sources and links can be found. Why call this Bartlebits? Maybe because we are dealing here with dead letters. Maybe... Note that this is a work in progress, in other words a black hole in expansion.

Xavier is the author of several books of fiction and poetry published in France and Canada. His work has been featured in a number of international magazines and webzines. He is interested in alternative, experimental and authorless writing. He is also the editor of a small but funny magazine.

(Author photo is a screenshot from Zswounderground.)

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